We had a great first easter with our little chunky monkey! The easter bunny loved her this year! She got FOUR baskets :) We have one spoiled and LOVED little girl! And you went right for the chocolate...you are definately your mothers child :)
We celebrated Easter with Andrew's mom the weekend before. Then on Easter Sunday, Lolo got her easter basket from the easter bunny, which she loved, can't you tell by the huge smile on her face?! Then we went to church. It was during Lo's naptime, she made it about half way through, not too bad considering how tired she was. When we got home we had lunch with my family and then went to Andrew's dads family to celebrate with them. Even though Lolo's schedule was messed up and she didn't really get her naps like she usually does, she was a great baby and just smiled like crazy for everyone around her. We are so very blessed to have such a happy little girl! This Easter was just an amazing reminder of how blessed we really are. So thankful for this wonderful life God has given to us.
We decided to feed Lo her first baby food on Easter Sunday for dinner, she wasn't a huge fan, more on that later. But she sure looks like a big girl in her highchair!
We had time to take a few pics outside. It was a gorgeous day!
So thankful for this beautiful little blessing! Thankful for our God for allowing all this to be possible.

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