You are 8 months old and just the cutest little man! I can't believe another month has flown by. You are still as sweet as can be and a little cuddle bug. You love to cuddle in the morning especially.
You have the chubbiest little legs and the cutest chubby cheeks. You love your thumb still and have become quite fond of the same blankie your big sister loves. I have to buy you your own blankies, because even though Lolo has 8, she refuses to share, silly girl!
We went on a few different trips this month and you traveled like a champ in the car. You usually sleep the entire time. Your sister still adores you and loves to hug and kiss on you.
You love love love to eat. You eat better than your sister for sure. You love most things we give you, but particularly love pasta and fruit. You also still love broccoli.
You are sitting up so well and will sit and play with your toys. You roll all over the place and will be crawling in no time! We love you sweet little man!!