I took Lo to see the Easter bunny the Wednesday before Easter with my mom and Shannon and her kids. It was hilarious! As soon as we got up to the bunny, Lo started screaming, "No-No-NO! Bye Bye!" and crying. So funny! This was the best picture we could get. Lexi and Kason did great! Their picture is so cute! Nana then took the girls to Build-A-Bear to build a bunny.
We had a great Easter weekend! On Good Friday we spent the day at the park. Lo and I had a picnic, where I gave her, her first Happy Meal, and then Lo wanted to swing. Andrew met us there after work. Lo had so much fun she had a melt down when we took her out of the swing.
For dinner Friday night we ordered pizza and had another picnic outside. The weather was so beautiful we couldn't pass it up! My dad made Lo the cutest little picnic table and she just loves it!
On Saturday, Lo and I went to do a 5K dog run at Claremore Lake in the morning. Lo hung out with Pop-Pop while my mom and I ran. It was fun!
Then we went to an easter egg hunt right next to the lake. Lo loved it! She got a lot of eggs and guarded them. Anytime I went to take her eggs away she would make this noise at me. So hilarious!
That evening we went to Andrew's mom's house to celebrate Easter with her. We ate outside and had another easter egg hunt. It was fun!
On Sunday, we did church and gave Lo her Easter basket.
Lo looked adorable in her Easter dress. She was not having my picture taking at first, but eventually gave in and smiled for me.
And this is her saying, "where did it go?"
We went to my parents for lunch and then we went to Andrews Grandma's house. By the time we got done with family time, Lo was EXHAUSTED. As soon as we put her in the car she was out and went right back to sleep in her crib once we got home.
Lo got four Easter baskets! One from the Easter Bunny, one from Nana and Pop-Pop, one from her Great Aunt Susan, and one from her granny. Spoiled much?
Thank you God for such an amazing sacrifice that allows us to celebrate You with family and friends! As always, Jesus is the reason for the season.