Pregnancy Stats:
How Far Along: 15 weeks
Size of baby: 4 inches, the size of an apple
Total Weight Gain: 1 lb.
Gender: It's a GIRL!!!
Movement: I know I felt her this morning doing somersaults in my belly, I just know I did! Coolest feeling ever!
Sleep: Sleep is going well! Finally not near as tired and I don't have that "I got hit by a bus feeling" anymore, Thank you God!
What I miss: Running
Cravings: Gatorade and Cherry Berry
Symptoms: Tired
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, my jeans still fit!
Best Moment this week: Getting to find out that are little baby is a girl :)
We went to the doctor today and found out our little baby is a girl! I was shocked! I just knew it was a boy. But Andrew was right, along with the rest of the world, it's a girl :) We are very excited and feel so very blessed. I just can't believe it. I thank God every time I think about it. My doctor says everything looks perfect! Praise the Lord for that.