Lolo has started to feed herself her bottle when I am at work. Big Girl!
My neice Lexi LOVES Lolo. She throws a crying fit every time I go and pick her up from my sister when she watches her. And in the morning when I drop her off, Lexi is quick to tell me to sit "wowo in chair," and "bye bye coco." Funny stuff!
I got to watch my sweet niece when for my sister this past weekend...She loves her Aunt Coco! She also has started hugging me and telling me she loves me. Melts my heart.
Lo has been sleeping all night long for over a week now! She was doing so when I wasn't working, but after I went back to work she had started waking up once a night to eat because she is a stubborn one and hates the bottle. I think she was making up for what she wasn't getting during the day, that, and the fact that she wanted to cuddle with me ;) But ever since she decided that she actually liked real food, she has been sleeping so well! It's wonderful! Now, if only I could get myself to sleep through the night....
I love baby led weaning! I am a fan! It is cheaper, easy to do, and Lo loves it! I'll do a post on it soon!
I don't have great cell phone service at work and it is seriously driving me insane, any suggestions on how to get better service? Anyone?
I am so excited about our family vacation to the beach, that I blog about it every week!
My aunt and cousin are coming to visit in 2 weeks!
I can't believe Father's Day is this weekend. It seems like just yesterday was Mother's Day! Time flies!
I have saved more milk than I know what to do with and throwing it away just kills me, so I have decided to donate it. You would think I was donating a kidney by how intense the process it to give free milk away. I understand though...Hopefully this will all be shipped soon, pending my DNA test...
I was introduced to these amazing cookies from my good friend Cerissa. All they require is a stick of butter and an egg and they are delicious! Trust me...even though they do come from a bag ;)
My sister bought Lexi a wagon for her birthday and Lolo just loves riding in it! The other day when I was getting her out she started crying because she wanted to stay in it.
We went to Maelee's 2nd birthday party this past weeked in OKC at the zoo! It was fun! I wish I would have taken more pics though. It was in a tree house. Such a cute place!
And because you can never have enough pictures...Here is my sweet girl again. I just love her to pieces.