Our sweet Lolo Bear is 6! I can't even believe it! How does time go by that fast?!? It literally feels like yesterday that I was praying so hard for this kid. She has brought me more joy (and anxiety, ha) than I ever could have imagined. She is blunt and will her argue her point to the ground, just like her daddy, and she is sweet, shy, and sassy, just like me. This girl is determined and head strong and knows exactly what she wants when she wants it. She has the biggest heart and loves those close to her fiercely. She is super smart and still humble, and walks around the house singing songs about Jesus.
She loves being crafty and loves to draw, her family portraits are my favorite. She loves barbies and LOL dolls, and can tell you anything you want to know about Star Wars. She is a walking tornado, like her mama, and her room is a disaster at any given moment. She loves being in conversation and seems to subtly steal the hearts of all of those around her.
For her birthday this year, we chose to forgo a party. I took her to school and went and ate lunch with her, then after school, her and I went to pick up her cake.
That evening we had a little family celebration at home with pizza and cake.
On Sunday, I took her to eat lunch and go shopping with my mom. Then we went to Pinkitzel to decorate cupcakes with her cousins. She had a blast!