How in the world is my sweet baby already one month old (November 5)?!?! Where or where does the time go?
Baby Lo is doing great! She weighs over 8 pounds...8 lbs 13 ounces to be exact. She is eating like a champ and sleeping 5-6 hours at night! She is starting to be awake more and more during the day and loves to be sang to. She hates tummy time, but is getting stronger everyday! Bath time started out rough, but now she seems to really like it. She just stares at us, with her big blue eyes, during bath time now and seems so content.
We just love her so very much and feel so unbelievably blessed at this little miracle we created. I have no idea how we got so lucky to get to call this sweet beautiful baby our daughter, but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank the good Lord above for her.
I can't believe how much my life has changed since becoming a mother. My entire outlook and perspectives on life have changed. I understand my mother way better than I ever have and truly appreciate the job she did in raising me and my siblings. It's crazy how much everything she did makes sense now. I can remember as a child getting so angry at her for not letting me do certain things and never understanding why...I get it now and boy is my baby going to hate me in a few years ;)
The one thing that this month has also brought is anxiety and LOTS of it. It is insanely crazy how much love we already have for this little being. And how much I worry! Let's hope this gets better soon..
Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful, amazing gift.
Please pray for those still struggling to start a family.