This girl just cracks me up. I just love her so much and can't get enough of her sweet face. I put her down to play the other day, she immediately rolled on her belly, then pretended to be sleeping after I got my phone out to take a picture.
We took Lolo to the splash pad a couple weekends ago. She had a blast! Here is a pic of me on the left and her on the right. Poor girl definately got her mommas cheeks.
Lolo was pooped after the splash pad! She was out as soon as we put her in the car.
The opened up a new childrens museum in the area, so my sister, aunt, and I went with the babies. Lolo was still a little too young to enjoy a lot of it, but she had fun with the balls, and they have a small baby area for the younger kids to enjoy. Lexi had a blast running through the tunnel made of packing tape! She was hilarious.

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