2010 was a great year for me. I can't complain one bit! I feel so lucky to live a very blessed life and and be surrounded by amazing family and friends. Here are some pictures to recap the wonderful year!
Andrew and I went on a vacation to the Riviera Maya on one of my weeks off of work. It was much needed and we had such a great time. The Riviera Maya is gorgeous, you may remember this post where I blogged about our mini vacation.
In April, two of my good friends had baby boys! Chelsea and Robby had their little angel Bobby and our friends Natalie and Jonathon had Owen! It sure has been neat seeing them grow and change. Oh, and lets not forget that Andrew held a newborn for the very first time....now, he's completely smitten with him.
Andrew's grandpa came to visit us from Sweden and helped Andrew build a deck for us in our backyard. We sure do love it!
Macy loves the deck too! So much so that I have to beg her to come back inside when I let her out.
One of my very bestest friends got married! Alex & Dylan had such a gorgeous wedding and I felt so blessed to be apart of it. They got married in Horseshoe Bay, Texas, which is an hour south of Austin. It was incredible! Andrew, my mom, and my sister all came too! We had so much fun and now have so many fun memories. I love this girl and her family and lets not forget her crazy friend Rachel!
Andrew and I celebrated another year of being married! I love this guy with my whole entire heart!
On our way back home from Alex's wedding, we hung out in Austin for a few hours. We met up with one of Andrew's friends from highschool and went to Mellow Johnny's bike shop, owned by the one and only Lance Armstrong. If I had to describe Austin, Texas in one word, it would be AMAZING! We loved the small part that we saw of it and cannot wait to go back for an extended period of time. Andrew loves this picture, because some where on that wall of wheels is Andrew's bike wheels...
I completed my first year of pediatric residency! Coach Meek let me play in the annual faculty-student softball game, as faculty because I am old now, and we won!
I have made some awesome friendships during this past year and love the people I work with!
I was able to volunteer for the Special Olympics in Stillwater with some of my wonderful colleagues.
My sister got her masters degree! So proud! She's pretty awesome at what she does!
One of my favorite sister-in-law's graduated from highschool! She sure has grown up fast!
The Dyerette's reunited at last!
I had my ten year highschool reunion. Geez, I am old! How in the world does time fly by so fast?!?
I got my medical license! Now it's official, I mean, I am :) Yikes!
My other favorite sister-in-law got married! Such a beautiful bride she was and so so happy!
With the help of my family, Andrew and I directed the Second Annual Run to Breathe 5K and helped to raise almost $6000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to help find a cure!
My dog officially became the laziest dog of all time!
Andrew and I completed a Quarter Marathon and then I convinced him into training for a full marathon!
I hit 100,000 miles on my car. I love my car, I hope it lasts another 100,000, even though I don't think my husband will let me see the day.
Our crazy, psycho beast for a dog placed in the Dock Dogs competition!
We went to one of the most amazing cities in the whole world, San Francisco! So much fun!!!
We ran the Tulsa Run, as did Andrew's dad, my mother, and my dear friend Sarah!
Andrew's best friend got married, in the Bahama's! Fun times!
Andrew and his dad completed his first half marathon! My mom, Sarah, and I ran it too!
My adorable little cousin Sean and my favorite Aunt Susan came to visit! I love this little guy, he does anything I tell him too :)
Macy became 11 years old! Oh how my heart loves this little dog!
Jaxon got fat! Ha, just kidding! He turned 5! (And in case you are wondering, Roxy turned 3 and is still psychotic!)
We went to the Christmas Train and was reminded of the true meaning of Christmas!
We celebrated another year gone by and all that it brought us! Looking forward to so many more wonderful memories that we will create in 2011!

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