Last weeks training consisted of running 5, 9, & 5 miles and then a 14 mile long run. I tried to convince Andrew to run the long run on Saturday, because it was warmer than it was on Sunday, but then again it was really windy Saturday and not so much on Sunday. I told Andrew it was going to be cold on Sunday, but I don't think he really believed it was going to be as cold as I said it was. He looked it up on the weather channel and it said 37 degrees, however, he failed to look at the wind said 18, brrrrr! Needless to say, we ran on Sunday in lots and lots of clothes. We decided to run right around our house, and then I got the brilliant idea to run across the street at the sports complex, and it was brilliant I tell you! I give Andrew 20% of the credit, I get the other 80%. As we were running into the sports complex
we Andrew found the high schools cross country course. It was a great change of pace! We found 5 miles worth of trails and ponds. We even took our psycho lab along for the run, and she loved it! I can't wait to take her back in the Summertime when it's much nicer out, she will have a ball playing in the water!
So week 14 wasn't so bad. I actually feel rejuvenated now, especially since it was so much better than the week before. This coming week though, it's going to be brutal. I'm so excited I can't hardly stand it, ha, not so much! The only good thing about it is that after this week is over, we begin to taper down! We also get one week closer to Disney World! Yippee Skippee, I am so excited!
*sorry for the boring post, and the rambling, please stay tuned.

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