Thursday, August 26, 2010

Letters to God

Over the past weekend, Andrew and I watched the movie Letters to God.  It is about a little boy who has cancer.  He writes letters to God on daily basis as his way of praying.  Its a very good, yet sad, movie.  And it does make you think.  


The movie is made by possibility pictures.  You can read about them on the movie website.  Part of their mission is to spread God's word through film.  The stories they put on the big screen and on DVD, are "stories that have the potential to stir our emotions, provoke our thinking and influence the course of our lives." They "believe in their mission and recognize their responsibility to bring stories that will lift people’s spirits and spread God’s word of hope, love and redemption."   I encourage you to take a moment and browse the website and rent the movie.  FYI: have tissues handy. 

We all have daily issues that we face, stories that we hear, things that we do or that others do that make us think.  We all have things like I mentioned that, without a doubt, help shape us into the person we become.  We have these life-changing experiences and we must take these experiences, good or bad, and let them change our life or use them to help better the lives of those around us.  Why should we do this?  Why to make a difference, of course!  Making a difference, well that is just awesome, talk about an endorphin rush, it's one of the greatest!  I once again challenge you to make a difference.  To take your life experiences and run with them.  Take time to help out those around you.  Take time to write your letter to God. 

What would happen if we all took the time to write letters to God?  The world would be a more beautiful place, no doubt! 

*info obtained from


  1. I recently bought the movie, but I haven't yet watched it! I have to say that I just love your posts! You are just awesome!! Love ya!!

  2. Thanks Missy! I think you are pretty awesome too :)
