You are just growing and changing so much these days! During your 15th month, you started walking! Nothing is slowing you down now. You love to be right in the middle of everything your siblings do.
You love to be outside and still love to eat. I will randomly find you in the pantry with snacks in your hand.
You are still a mama's girl and just love being held and sitting in my lap.
You are such a chill baby and just go with the flow. You love to go out and about and are always so good the entire time!
You have come to love the water and really enjoy splashing in our little pool. We have gone to the neighborhood pool a lot this summer as well and you love getting in the water.
Bath time is still one of your favorite times and you would stay in there forever if I let you.
We have gone to the zoo and the aquarium several time and you love it every time!
You are starting to talk a little more and just have the cutest little personality!

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