You are 6 months old! I can't believe it! That's the fastest half year of my life.
This has been a big month for you! I feel like your little personality has just blossomed this month. You are almost sitting up and will sit with me and play with your toys for a while now. You have started sleeping in your pack n play and are finally out of the bassinet. I was surprised at how well you transitioned. Occasionally you will wake up once a night, but will go back to sleep with your binkie and blankie.
We introduced broccoli and sweet potatoes and you were a big fan! You get the food on your fingers and just suck away, its so funny! You also do pretty well with a sippy cup of water.
Your big sister is still your favorite and she's your biggest fan. She just adores you! Drew is coming around too!
You are so happy and smiley and pretty much just go with the flow all day. You usually take 2-3 pretty good naps too! You love being outside and looking around, you also are starting to like the swing. You are content in the bath as well and just sit there while your brother and sister are being monkeys.
You love your daddy and smile so big every time you see him, but you are definitely a mama's girl.

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