Friday, April 25, 2014

Five on Friday!

I need to get better at blogging!  I love going back and reading my blogs and seeing how much we have all changed.  So I am going to start with linking up again to Five on Friday!

1. We had a great Easter weekend, but boy has it left me exhausted this week!  I am so looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home spent with this ornery girl!

2. Lo is still obsessed with Frozen.  She wakes up screaming, "anna, elsa" at us and wants to watch it ALL.THE.TIME.  The other day, my husband said something I never imagined I would hear..."we haven't watched Frozen in three days...I kinda miss it."  If that is not a sign that we watch that movie too much, I don't know what is... oh wait...maybe its the fact that I wake up in the middle of the night singing "Let it go..."  Lo has also started singing along to the music and it is the sweetest little sound I have ever heard.

3. Lo is going to be a flower girl in a wedding next month.  We tried on her flower girl dress the other day and isn't she just the cutest thing?!?  She immediately started twirling in it.  So funny!

4. This girl LOVES to swing and now has meltdowns when you take her out of the swing.  And not just with me, she did it to my sister too.  Oh, boy!  And she requests her baby to swing with her now.  She calls her baby cinderella, "Elsa."

5. Our poor Jaxon had a slipped disc this week.  It was so sad.  All of the sudden he couldn't walk forward, couldn't turn his head to the right and wouldn't eat or drink.  He also cried everytime you touched him.  We were so sad thinking that he may have had a stroke or something and the thought of losing another dog so soon terrified us.  So glad he is better and that it wasn't worse than it was! 

Happy Friday!!

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