How Far Along: 21 weeks
Size of baby: 3/4 of a pound, 10 1/2 inches, the length of a carrot
Total Weight Gain: 6 lbs.
Gender: It's a GIRL, for sure!!!
Movement: I feel her kicking a lot, especially when I am sitting or lying down. Still one of the most coolest feelings ever!
Sleep: I've been sick with a cold, so hasn't been great. Lots of coughing leads to many many many bathroom visits.
What I miss: Running and liking coffee.
Not wanting to drink coffee AT ALL is the strangest aversion.
Not wanting to drink coffee AT ALL is the strangest aversion.
Cravings: Lemonade
Symptoms: I can't really complain about anything right now. Praise God for that!
Maternity Clothes: I have a couple of maternity shirts that are way more comfortable to wear than what I have been wearing. Definitely need some shorts because this little girl is sitting so low and refuses to move up, she's stubborn like her mommy :)
Best Moment this week: The nursery being painted!
I think it is safe to say my belly has officially "popped." This baby is growing like crazy now. Macy isn't going to be jealous at all either, can't you tell??
I think it is safe to say my belly has officially "popped." This baby is growing like crazy now. Macy isn't going to be jealous at all either, can't you tell??

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