Sunday, June 24, 2012

Why the blogging vacation?

I have gotten asked by several people lately why I haven't been blogging lately...

Well...I have, I just haven't been posting my blogs.

Why you ask?  I have a heavy heart when it comes to blogging about my pregnancy and then posting that I blogged about it on facebook.

It wasn't very long ago that I was one that was yearning so very badly to start a family.  At that time in my life, it was so very hard for me to read about others on facebook getting what I so desired.  It wasn't that I wasn't happy for them, I was, I promise!!  It was just so hard for me to emotionally deal with it after all we went through.  I have read and read and read about this difficulty and have been reassured with all that I have read that my feelings at the time were completely normal.  I know now, that this time was a blessing in disguise, as are all heartaches, right?  It strengthened my faith and really showed me that I am not in control.  It also reaffirmed how blessed I am with an amazing support system.  I have the best husband, family, and friends, who were very sensitive and caring during this time.  I have crossed paths with a few really great girls, who I don't think I would have otherwise.  There are so many people out there who share the same desire we did to start a family.  There are people who have had miscarriage after miscarriage and are really hurting on the inside, but without asking, you would never know it.

Why am I writing this post you ask?  Well, I am going to start posting my pregnancy related blogs, but I am not going to post that I posted them to facebook or any other social media.  I tell you this because I have been told by a lot of people that they only check facebook to see if I have blogged.  You can get to my blog by going to or if you wish to read these posts and follow this little miracle growing inside me. 

Please pray for those yearning to have a family.  And if you know someone that is going through a difficult situation, take the time to simply ask them how they are doing.  You have no idea how much this will mean to them. 

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