Saturday, June 18, 2011

Soul Surfer

This weekend A while ago, Andrew and I decided to go an see a movie, he let me pick...I chose Soul Surfer, and of course he agreed. ;)  What a great inspiring movie and reminder about how God works in mysterious ways.  "I can do all things though Christ who give me strength," and "All things happen for a reason, you just gotta believe," were common themes throughout the movie.  It was a wonderfully done true story about a family and a daughter who fight all odds and keep the faith with doing so.  If you need an uplifting feel-good kind of movie, I highly recommend Soul Surfer!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

This movie and all that is stands for is a great reminder that God knows us, he knows our biggest faults and our best attributes.  He knows us personally and on a deeper level than anyone else ever could.  He has big plans for us, and allows us to find hope in Him.  He knows what we can and cannot endure and as hard to believe as it is, He never tries us beyond our strength.   

I hope when times get tough, when things don't seem the least bit fair, and when you are tried beyond what you think you can endure, you remember this verse or this movie and know that things really do happen for a reason, you just gotta have faith and believe.  

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