On Christmas Eve Eve, Andrews mom came over to give the kids their gifts. The rest of the day was spent hanging out together.
On Christmas Eve, we hung out with just our little family, our new tradition. We went to town in the morning to run a few last minute errands and then hung out at home the rest of the day, well most of us did...Lo informed us before her nap that she was so excited that Santa was going to bring her the American Girl Doll Lea Clark. She said she only told her cousin Lexi this information...Nice! So Andrew, being the awesome daddy that he is, scrambled to find the last one in Tulsa and drove their that afternoon to buy it. He also picked us up delicious dinner from Charlestons on his way home.
After dinner, the kids all had baths and then got in their Christmas PJs and fed the reindeer their special food so they would know where we lived.
We laid out cookies for Santa and then it was bedtime!
The kids all went to bed relatively easy that night and Andrew and I got to work finishing wrapping presents and putting things together. As you can see, I help a ton, and boy was that brownie good!
The next morning, Lo tried to wake up at 5am. Thankfully I convinced her it was still night time and she went back to sleep until after 7. She was so excited when she got up! Drew was excited too and would not get out of his new car. And Nora was her happy-go-lucky self!
The first present Lo opened was a miniature Lea Clark doll. She said she really wanted the big one, but that the little one would do, bless her sweet heart. She really enjoyed opening all of her gifts. At the end we let her open her two gift from Santa, and she was ecstatic to get the big Lea Clark and a hatchimal! She carried the hatchimal around and sang to it until it cracked open...it was so funny!
Andrew made us a delicious breakfast casserole and the kids all played with their toys that morning.
After naps, we went to my parents house for more Christmas fun! Lo and Drew had a blast playing with their cousins and loved all their gifts. We ate dinner and played Dirty Santa and White Elephant. It was a lot of fun, I hope we continue this in the years to come.
Afterwards, we headed to Andrew's dads house and opened gifts their as well. Lo was so funny opening her gifts and trying on her new princess gown. She even did a little fashion show for us all. She played with makeup and played with her new doll set with Bailey.
We headed home around 8 and were wiped out! It was a great day!
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