You are 7 months old and still as sweet as can be! You are finally rolling over and sitting up like a big girl! You are our chunky little monkey and love to eat. You are doing great with food and pretty much have ate anything we give you.
You love you big sister and brother and get the biggest grin when you see them.
You are obsessed with your mama and will cry if you see me in a room and I am not holding you.
You grin the biggest for your daddy and love when he talks to you.
You have one bottom tooth and are working on the other.
You are the happiest little girl and rarely cry.
You sleep all night in the pack n play by our bed and still love your binkie and blankie.
The dogs love you too and are always licking your face.
You still have your beautiful, big blue eyes!
You cackle every time we go some where new and you see new faces.
We love you so much sweet girl. The past 7 months have gone by so fast.

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