We left Friday morning and drove to a really neat safari/petting zoo in Gentry Arkansas. It had some great animals! Lo loved it!
Then we headed to Little Rock. Lo took a nap in the car and little man did so well and didn't make a peep. Lo is so funny with her naps. We said, "Lo time to take a nap in the car." She said, "ok" and went right to sleep.
Once we got to Little Rock, we headed out to eat dinner and met up with Andrew's Aunt Peggy. We had a great time walking around and talking with her.
Saturday, Andrew had a bike race in the afternoon. We went to the Farmers Market in the am and then Lo, Drew, and I walked around a bit before Andrew's race. It luckily went right by our hotel, so we sat outside and watched him race for a bit, before heading up to the room so they could nap.
"Mommy take a pic of my boo-boo..." And this is the face she give me...
Five seconds later she smiles for another pic. HAHA!
That evening we went to dinner and then just hung out in the room. It was nice and relaxing. I walk out of the bathroom and see Lo laying by Drew holding his hand. So sweet!
Sunday, the kids and I walked to Andrew's race a mile away and pretty much feared for our lives on the walk over, ha, but we made it!
Andrew raced in the morning and probably would have won the race, but
We then headed home, stopped a couple times to eat and feed the baby, and made it home early evening. The kids were sooo good the entire trip. Drew didn't make a peep going there or coming back and he slept 11-12 hours both nights. Remind me again where we got this angel baby?! Lo was great too! We had such a great time cheering on daddy and hanging out as a family!

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