September 20, 2012
Pregnancy Stats:
Pregnancy Stats:
How Far Along: 36 weeks
Size of baby: 5 lbs 12 ounces, size of a crenshaw melon, whatever the heck that is,
and around 18.5 inches long
Size of baby: 5 lbs 12 ounces, size of a crenshaw melon, whatever the heck that is,
and around 18.5 inches long
Total Weight Gain: 15 pounds so far...
Gender: It's a GIRL!!!
Movement: She moves a lot still and her movements have become rather painful at times, probably because she is getting bigger and bigger, and running out of room. Her eviction notice is coming soon! She still likes to camp out on my right side under my liver and rib cage and just hang out. She's claimed this space since day 1...not going to be a type A personality at all ;)
Sleep: I give up with sleeping well. I always get up a couple of times, to go to the bathroom or roll over to my other side, which takes a lot of effort, believe it or not. I have a feeling my days of sleeping are loooooong gone, and that is fine with me.
What I miss: A good nights sleep, being able to move without pain, running/exercising. I read that my uterus is up to one thousand times larger than before I got pregnant...which makes me feel huge and slow...yep that pretty much sums it up!
Cravings: Cold things and chocolate, nothing new.
Symptoms: Pain...And that's all I am going to say about that. Braxton Hicks. However, nothing major to complain about still. Praise God for that!
Maternity Clothes: Yep or shirts a size too big for me when I am not growing a watermelon, but mostly I just wear my husbands t-shirts and a pair of running shorts. And Thank God for being able to wear scrubs to work! So thankful my husband really doesn't care what I wear or look like for that matter.
Best Moment this week: Getting a good report at the doctor! We hung pictures up in the nursery finally. It's coming along! So ready to get this room finished. Have to get the bookcase my dad made me next week and I think we will be good to go!
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