I can't believe it has already been one month. Time just keeps going by faster and faster. Seems like just yesterday we were taking you home from the hospital. What a month it has been! Bringing you home from the hospital was a special treat! It was then that our life would really begin as a family of 4.
I actually took you to the doctor the day you turned one month. You weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces and were 21 1/2 inches long. You gained 2 pounds in one month! Guess it's safe to say you don't miss a meal.
Your Big Sister Lo has just been so in love from you from the beginning. Every morning she asks where her baby brother is and wants to hold you. It makes me so happy to see her so taken by you. I was so worried, but she has been such an awesome big sister.
You have been such a good eater and sleeper. You sleep 5 hour stretches at night already. You sleep in a sleep sack with a loose swaddle in your cuddle cove. We found out right away that you hate to have your arms swaddled. The sleepy newborn stage is one of my favorites. I just love a sleepy, cuddly, tiny baby in my arms and on my chest. There aren't much greater feelings than that.
You have slowly become a fan of bath time, but at first, you hated it just as much as Lo did when she was little.
Your daddy is just as in love with you as I am too. He loves to hold you, talk to you, and of course pretend you are his little football.
We had your newborn pictures taken and they came out so good! We just love them and love the special ones of you and your sister.
This month we spent a lot of time just holding you, soaking it all in, finding our new normal. My heart has just melted watching your big sister and your daddy with you.
The weather has been so nice this month, that you have already had your first trip to the zoo and been outside a lot. You hung out in the ergo and slept the entire time...such a good baby you are. So far, you have seemed to be so relaxed and calm...we shall see if this continues :)
Little Man, as we like to call you, you, like your big sister did when she was born, have shown us how awesome our God really is. I sure had my doubts about how I was going to love another little baby liked I loved Lo, but, once again, God did not disappoint. It is nothing short of amazing how my heart just expanded when you were born. It's crazy the fierce love one can have for their baby the moment they are born. Looking at you, and your sister, make me wonder how there really are people out there who don't believe. How could you not? So many times a day I just sit and look at your sweet face and whisper thank you to God for allowing me to be your mommy, for making me a mommy again, and for blessing me (us) with such amazing little babies. It's nothing short of a miracle that only He could provide.
We love you little man! And we sure can't wait to watch you grow!

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