April 12, 2012
Pregnancy Stats:
How Far Along: 13 weeks
Size of baby: 3 inches long and weighs an ounce, the size of a medium shrimp :)
Total Weight Gain: 1 lb.
Gender: We don't know yet, but we find out in 2 weeks!. I think boy, Andrew thinks girl...
Movement: Not yet.
Sleep: I could sleep all day everyday.
What I miss: Running
Cravings: Ginger Ale
Symptoms: Fatigue
Maternity Clothes: Not yet!
Best Moment this week: Getting to 13 weeks and knowing our baby still has a strong heartbeat, what a sigh of relief! I may or may not have went down to the OB department at work to have one of the residents scan me just to make sure. I am not paranoid, AT ALL! Ha!
Thank you God for this amazing blessing. We are forever grateful and feel so very blessed.
Thank you God for this amazing blessing. We are forever grateful and feel so very blessed.

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